Year: 2019

  • Moozlie Involved in a “fake” accident live on instagram

    Moozlie Involved in a “fake” accident live on instagram

    Nomuzi Mabena known by her stage name Moozlie was seen on a live instagram video to be involved in what seemed to be a car crash, but following that, a screenshot of Moozlie and her cousin’s conversation explaining she collided with a woman on a broom that majestically disappeared after the accident surfaced. #Nomuzi #nomuzie…

  • Trevor Noah buys a R279-million mansion in Los Angeles

    Trevor Noah buys a R279-million mansion in Los Angeles

    South African comedian and Daily Show TV host Trevor Noah has reportedly purchased a hooping R279 million massive mansion on a hillside lot in western Bel-Air in Los Angeles, according to US enternainment news site TMZ. [the_ad_placement id=”manual-placement”] Here’s a sneak peak of the 1.31-acre property that comprises of 3 bedrooms and an “ultra private…